
Ep 64. Alex Skeel

McKenzie & Raine Episode 64

Today we travel to the United Kingdom to discuss a truly terrifying case of domestic abuse. Intimate partner violence affects over 12 million people each year,  and in the U.K. domestic abuse crimes account for 16% of all violent crimes.  Statistics for intimate partner violence are difficult to gather due to the high rate of these crimes going unreported. Those crimes unreported are thought to be even higher for men. Men are two and a half times more likely not to report domestic abuse, due to societal pressures causing men to feel like they need to be strong and take charge in a relationship. This is where Alex Skeel found himself when his girlfriend Jordan Worth started abusing him. Alex endured unimaginable torture during his relationship with Jordan and it almost cost him his life. 

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Remember, you can be strange but don’t be a stranger!

If you are in danger and want to reach out for help contact  the National Domestic abuse hotline:
Call: 800-799-7233


Abused By My Girlfriend BBC Documentary